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A Family Gathering: July 2018

    While Jason and Misty were camping in our driveway we managed to get everyone together for a pizza party! Here are the excellent photos that Jason took.

    Falcon Heavy ~ Finally Something Cool With Spaceflight

      Feb 6th 2018 was the first launch of SpaceX Falcon Heavy with the most power in any rocket at this point in time. As commercial spaceflight progresses maybe humans will return to real spaceflight and travel out of Earth’s orbit again soon. These are some of the best photos provided on SpaceX’s own web site of this first launch. The first payload was a Tesla car with the astronaut dummy. Destination was to Mars. The space geek in me loves this stuff! I watched the… Read More »Falcon Heavy ~ Finally Something Cool With Spaceflight

      Photo from the past

        “The Storm Inside Me” My brother Dan was into photography in the early ’70’s. I was his easy model so we often did shots like this one. I cleaned it up a bit and added a ‘dry brush’ effect in Photoshop elements. Turned out pretty good for old a photo found in a box.

        William Henry Harrison High School ~ Class of 77

          Back in the day I carried my high school ID like any nerd would. Gave myself the first number too…. The always fabulous Senior picture for the Yearbook 5 year reunion I think… (find me if you can) 20 year reunion (find be me if you can) Senior yearbook cover (I didn’t have anything to do with this one) I seemed to have kept several of these ‘Booster Tags’ for some reason (never went to games) 5 year (from above) On the way there, wasn’t… Read More »William Henry Harrison High School ~ Class of 77

          Caze Class of ’73

            Class Photo Where Am I? Yearbook Cover So I was recruited by the school art teacher to do the yearbook cover. And there’s a bit of a story behind all of it: I really wasn’t that comfortable with the task at hand and let’s say, wasn’t to inspired on the design part. But Mr Wilson, the art teacher encouraged me to continue and thus the rather lame cougar sitting on the block letters CAZE. I don’t take credit for the ‘Remember Me in ’73’ thing.… Read More »Caze Class of ’73

            Sassy learns Down / Stay command

              Been working slowly with Sassy on commands and she’s getting pretty good at the ‘Down Stay’ command. But for now I’m lucky if its more than 60 seconds. She still gets easily distracted..