For years this sturdy block building on our property has sat, mostly used to store junk that I never used. I finally decided to change that in 2020 and spent several months cleaning it out, sorting the stuff and trashing most of it. In 2021 I started the demo of the roof to convert it to a greenhouse. Using my tractor I pushed the roof off and in the process collapsed the front wall. In the end it worked out as having the south facing wall all windows was a good design anyway.

I then cleaned up the bricks and roof and burned all the old wood. The day I spent burning was the same day both Connie and I had our first Covid 19 shot (not sure why I remember that but that’s where things were). I spent the summer learning masonary and rebuilding parts of the walls that had come down with the roof. I then trimmed the trees on either side over the winter and in early 2022 started the framing. I had a bunch of old windows I got from a friend who had a window business so in the end the majority of the project was basically free other than some of the structural lumber.

It actually came out better than expected and I started using in in the fall of 2022 to extend my garden growing season.

Some interior shots.