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March 2019

Making The House Bird Friendly

    Over the years I’ve piddled around in my workshop during cold weather and found making birdhouses from mostly scrap wood to be fun. In my latest version I also made them a decorative addition to This Old Dump on both the front and back porches. I think they turned out pretty cool and birds actually like and use them as well which surprised me. Of course I had to paint them to match the house.

    Our GSD vs. A Pillow

      Playing around with some new video software and made this from some security video I had. Guess who wins..

      THE Music That Started My Love Of Music

        Those that know me well know I love to listen to music. Always have, always will. Most music today is unlistenable to me but then I feel lucky to have grown up with some of the best music ever written and played. I base what I like around what is known as ‘Progressive Rock’. And 3 albums that helped launch this sound are what I still consider some of the best ever made. I call them the power trio. The year 1969 and Led Zeppelin… Read More »THE Music That Started My Love Of Music