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February 2017

Photo from the past

    “The Storm Inside Me” My brother Dan was into photography in the early ’70’s. I was his easy model so we often did shots like this one. I cleaned it up a bit and added a ‘dry brush’ effect in Photoshop elements. Turned out pretty good for old a photo found in a box.

    William Henry Harrison High School ~ Class of 77

      Back in the day I carried my high school ID like any nerd would. Gave myself the first number too…. The always fabulous Senior picture for the Yearbook 5 year reunion I think… (find me if you can) 20 year reunion (find be me if you can) Senior yearbook cover (I didn’t have anything to do with this one) I seemed to have kept several of these ‘Booster Tags’ for some reason (never went to games) 5 year (from above) On the way there, wasn’t… Read More »William Henry Harrison High School ~ Class of 77